Empowering Your Digital Future
Computer, IT & Web Design courses: learn how to use your computer or create your own homepage and logo
Living more consciously
Body confidence, meditation, art & touch therapy lessons
Happiness is learnable
Lessons in positive psychology and strengthening resilience
Advertising agency (currently reported dormant)
Online services & advertising, print media, design, photography
AEWA for First Aid & Medical Training
Austrian Red Cross First Aid Courses at 2542 Kottingbrunn
Consent is for everyone. Consent is essential.
consent is a part of everyday life, and its practice builds stronger, safer, and more connected communities
Finding the light of hope
Screening and Referral Practitioning Training - Suicide Prevention Technique
AEWA for the American Psychological Association
offering a unique opportunity to connect with APA and empower psychology students
AEWA for First Aid & Medical Training
Austrian Red Cross First Aid Courses at 2542 Kottingbrunn
Living more consciously
Body confidence, meditation, art & touch therapy lessons
Happiness is learnable
Lessons in positive psychology and strengthening resilience
Advertising agency (currently reported dormant)
Online services & advertising, print media, design, photography
AEWA First Aid & Medical Training
Austrian Red Cross First Aid Courses at 2542 Kottingbrunn
Living more consciously
Body confidence, meditation, art & touch therapy lessons
Happiness is learnable
Lessons in positive psychology, and strengthening resilience
Advertising agency (currently reported dormant)
Online services & advertising, print media, design, photography
is the top priority in our service
of solutions in a customer focused manner
that will be beneficial to you
as a paramedic, youth counselor and pastor
Our company exists to help people, be it through first aid courses at the Red Cross, through teaching knowledge about holistic self-treatment, wellness, well-being, positive psychology or through the services of our advertising agency such as creating homepages, business cards or logos.
Our focus is always on bringing out your inner light to give you a better life.
Our company exists to help people, be it through first aid courses at the Red Cross, through teaching knowledge about holistic self-treatment, wellness, well-being, positive psychology or through the services of our advertising agency such as creating homepages, business cards or logos.
Our focus is always on bringing out your inner light to give you a better life.
“Andreas L. Enenkel kenne ich seit über sieben Jahren, wir sind über sein ehrenamtliches Engagement nach wie vor miteinander verbunden. Seine Persönlichkeit und seine Fähigkeiten beeindrucken, sein Handeln ist wirkungsvoll, bedacht und den Menschen zugewandt. Dreierlei kommt mir in den Sinn, wenn ich an ihn denke. Erstens kommuniziert er bemerkenswert geschickt, sowohl online wie von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Mühelos liest er sein Publikum und versteht es, Botschaften so zu vermitteln, dass man ihm gerne zuhört. Zweitens ist er vielfältig interessiert und gebildet, folglich in unterschiedlichen Bereichen einsetzbar und dient als kluger Berater in Fragen, die mit einem weiten und aufmerksamen Blick beantwortet werden müssen. Und drittens liegt auf der Hand, dass es ihm in Beruf und Ehrenamt weniger darum geht, sich selbst in den Vordergrund zu drängen, sondern der Sache und vor allem den Menschen in seinem Umfeld zur Seite zu stehen. Wer mit dieser Grundhaltung agiert, trägt im Großen dazu bei, unsere Gesellschaft zusammenzuhalten und im Kleinen auch jedes Team oder Unternehmen.”
Reach out to us, and benefit now from our products and services.